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SCP基金会汉化组官方聚集地(原百度帖吧scp_foundation吧) 欢迎各位加入成为D级人员。

2 posters

    【翻译】SCP-550 The Ghûl/食尸鬼


    帖子数 : 136
    注册日期 : 16-06-09

    【翻译】SCP-550 The Ghûl/食尸鬼 Empty 【翻译】SCP-550 The Ghûl/食尸鬼

    帖子 由 Greenson 周四 九月 29, 2016 10:47 pm








    附录550-恢复性记录:SCP-550发现于南非██████的一个乱葬岗中。基金会情报处通过分析发现当地流行的传言,出现的“食X鬼”描述与传统的口耳相传有些明显的差异。MTF Beta-7(“残局清洁工”)受命确定潜在的Euclid级的项目的存在并代表基金会将其收容。


    在SCP-550的原来所处位置,有人报告一个人失踪了,是一个叫Siyanda ██████的当地居民。没有一具尸体和这个居民相符。其他镇民声称██████在它们消失前像以前一样去了邻镇。









    附录550-A1 4/19/2011:对SCP-550皮肤样本的分析显示粘膜细胞以及绒毛的存在,还有肌肤色素如黑色素。████博士建议授权进行无镇静剂核磁共振成像扫描。在事故SCP-550-T1之后扫描推迟。

    事故550-T1 于03:43,██/██/20██,监视器显示SCP-550开始在收容室内缓缓移动,此时正处于研究其休眠状态的阶段。特工████████和██████博士批准进行调查。监视录像带显示直到所有人离开之前完全遵循标准基金会程序而且没有发现任何异常。此后SCP-550立即在它的收容室内趴下,直到一条大又黑的舌头,据推测是来自人类的,从SCP-550的体内突然喷了出来。从SCP-550体内深处的舌头开始把整个收容室舔了一遍之后Site-36开始处于紧闭状态。2分钟又14秒过去了,舌头收回到了SCP-550内。大量黑色粘稠的唾液,内含所有以前进食过得尸体的数量各异的有机质,沾黏在了收容室的墙上,还带有似乎是一件完好无损的黑色传统祖鲁族服装。

    【翻译】SCP-550 The Ghûl/食尸鬼 SCP-550

    标签:生物危害 生物性 尸体 化学性 腐蚀性 euclid 人形生物 scp 感知力 木质


    由Greenson于周四 九月 29, 2016 11:06 pm进行了最后一次编辑,总共编辑了1次

    帖子数 : 136
    注册日期 : 16-06-09

    【翻译】SCP-550 The Ghûl/食尸鬼 Empty 回复: 【翻译】SCP-550 The Ghûl/食尸鬼

    帖子 由 Greenson 周四 九月 29, 2016 10:50 pm

    Item #: SCP-550

    Object Class: Euclid

    Special Containment Procedures: SCP-550 is to be held in a standard-sized humanoid cell. SCP-550 should be provided with a human corpse on a bi-weekly basis. Any remaining materials are to be cleaned and removed from the containment chamber after provision. All personnel handling SCP-550 are to wear provided chemical resistant gloves and Hazmat suits at all times. Directions made toward SCP-550 may be broadcast from speakers installed in its containment chamber, and should be used for transportation, maintenance, and testing.

    Description: SCP-550 is a humanoid composed of wood shavings from Fraxinus excelsior (European Ash), measuring 2.1 meters in height and 70 kg in weight. SCP-550 closely resembles a human male suffering from advanced muscle atrophy, though it lacks all exterior and bodily organs. SCP-550 is mainly compliant to human subjects, though it is restricted to following simple commands. Conversation through alternative systems of communication has been unsuccessful in determining if SCP-550 is sapient. SCP-550 is able to smell despite the lack of any sensory organs, and does this solely for the purpose of locating human corpses.

    SCP-550 is mainly drawn toward corpses in early stages of putrefaction. If no such cadaver is in the vicinity, it will attempt to locate one itself through bipedal locomotion. Upon finding a cadaver, SCP-550 will unravel itself to create a wide split in the area where a chest would be, and will kneel over the cadaver and make physical contact with the cavity. This cavity does not appear to be different from SCP-550's exterior, and it secretes high concentrations of hydrochloric acid. The acid produced by SCP-550 does not dissolve the wood it is covered in.

    SCP-550 is capable of incorporating simple molecules and compounds through its cavity. The hydrochloric acid it produces is used in breaking down organic substances located in corpses, allowing it to take nutrients through pores in the wood it is composed of. SCP-550 mainly intakes amino acids and various proteins, though it is unclear in how it uses them to maintain itself.

    SCP-550 will continue *** contact with its chosen corpse, before closing its chest cavity and standing up. SCP-550 will then release a slurry of materials, mostly containing loose portions of epidermis, articles of clothing (if present on the corpse), and stomach bile. When deprived of corpses for several days, SCP-550 will enter a dormant state and refrain from movement for an indefinite period of time until a corpse is available.

    Addendum 550-Recov: SCP-550 was found at the site of a mass grave in ██████, South Africa. Foundation Intelligence was made aware of rumors being passed between locals regarding a "ghûl", descriptions of which had some marked deviations from traditional folklore. MTF Beta-7 ("Maz Hatters") was dispatched with orders to confirm the existence of a potential Euclid class being and to retrieve it on the Foundation's behalf.

    28 corpses were found to have been damaged by SCP-550, and Protocol "Sewn Veil" was enacted to restore bodies to acceptable conditions. Several ritualistic items such as incense, candles, pieces of a large cloth stained with various bodily fluids, utensils, pots, plates, and various salts and spices were found scattered throughout the graveyard.

    One person was reported missing in the town of SCP-550's original location, a local resident named Siyanda ██████. No corpse has been found that matches the civilian. Other town members claim ██████ had begun taking regular trips to a neighboring town prior to their disappearance.

    On search of the civilian's home, a voicemail from a public phone located in [REDACTED] was found. No other evidence of possible involvement with SCP-550 was discovered.

    Foreword: The following is translated from the Bantu language, belonging to the Zulus.

    [Coughing and heavy breathing, masculine voice]

    "We know you feel it in you. I know you do not want to answer me. You need to come. We are here to open those shredded bonds, never mind their state. You're famished, yet you are not hungry! Where do you expect to hide from what you need?"

    [A feminine voice can be heard whispering for 4 seconds, before the caller makes a sound of approval.]

    "Khetiwie says she is prepared, so now it is only up to you. Do you not want to let it burn through your bones, mixing you into the slime from where we began? Do you not want to become one with the saliva of the beast, soaking in the juices of your kin? You know what to do. We want to bring ourselves inside the beast. This is not something you should be afraid of."

    [Further unknown background noises are heard.]

    "See, Slindile has already brought forth her tendons, fresh. Just look at her pinch the eye out… Lord, I can't wait to feel what it is like inside him."

    Addendum 550-A1 4/19/2011: Analysis of SCP-550 skin sample shows the presence of mucosal cells and microvilli, and confirms skin pigmentation as melanin. Dr. ████ has suggested and authorized MRI scan without sedation. Scan postponed following Incident SCP-550-T1.

    Incident 550-T1 At 03:43, ██/██/20██, surveillance showed that SCP-550 had begun pacing its cell during research of its dormant state. Agent ████████ and Dr. ██████ were given permission to investigate. Surveillance footage shows that standard Foundation procedure was followed and no abnormalities were found until personnel left. SCP-550 immediately lay down in its cell until a large black tongue, supposedly from a human, erupted from within SCP-550. Site-36 was placed under lockdown, while the tongue protruding from SCP-550 had begun slathering the entirety of its containment cell. 2 minutes and 14 seconds had passed before the tongue withdrew into SCP-550. An amount of black, viscous saliva containing various amounts of organic material from all previously consumed corpses was left on containment chamber walls, along with what appeared to be an intact traditional black Zulu dress.

    Shortly after Incident 550-T1, the tongue belonging to SCP-550 has been recorded to randomly protrude from SCP-550's cavity for a few seconds. SCP-550 has remained in a fetal position while in containment, presumably to prevent an event similar to the recent incident. No further deviations in behavior have been recorded; containment procedures are currently being updated.

    【翻译】SCP-550 The Ghûl/食尸鬼 SCP-550
    Earliest photo of SCP-550's initial recovery point.

    帖子数 : 136
    注册日期 : 16-06-09

    【翻译】SCP-550 The Ghûl/食尸鬼 Empty 回复: 【翻译】SCP-550 The Ghûl/食尸鬼

    帖子 由 Greenson 周六 十月 08, 2016 12:28 pm


    帖子数 : 589
    注册日期 : 12-01-09

    【翻译】SCP-550 The Ghûl/食尸鬼 Empty 回复: 【翻译】SCP-550 The Ghûl/食尸鬼

    帖子 由 杀戮童谣 周六 十月 08, 2016 5:32 pm


    帖子数 : 136
    注册日期 : 16-06-09

    【翻译】SCP-550 The Ghûl/食尸鬼 Empty 回复: 【翻译】SCP-550 The Ghûl/食尸鬼

    帖子 由 Greenson 周一 十月 10, 2016 11:44 am

    杀戮童谣 写道:其实对于一些用于提升比格的台词没有必要特别纠结校对,因为毕竟大部分SCP都是个人创作,严谨度有限

    帖子数 : 136
    注册日期 : 16-06-09

    【翻译】SCP-550 The Ghûl/食尸鬼 Empty 回复: 【翻译】SCP-550 The Ghûl/食尸鬼

    帖子 由 Greenson 周六 十月 15, 2016 9:51 pm




    描述:SCP-550是一个由欧洲白蜡树(学名Fraxinus Excelsior)木片组成的人形生物,测得其高度为2.1米,重量为70公斤。SCP-550外形酷似一个肌肉极度萎缩的男性人类,虽然它缺乏所有外部器官及身体器官。SCP-550对人类对象相当顺从,虽然它只能服从简单的指令。通过间接交流系统的对话无法确认SCP-550是否具有智能。SCP-550虽然没有任何感觉器官但是拥有嗅觉,而且它主要利用嗅觉来定位人类尸体。




    附录550-记录恢复:SCP-550发现于南非██████的一个乱葬岗中。基金会情报处通过分析发现当地流行的传言中出现的“食X鬼”描述与传统的民间传说有明显的差异。MTF Beta-7(“残局清洁工”)受命以确定潜在的Euclid级的项目的存在并代表基金会将其收容。


    在SCP-550的原来所处位置,有人报告一个人失踪了,是一个叫Siyanda ██████的当地居民。没有一具尸体和这个居民相符。其他镇民声称██████在它们消失前像以前一样去了邻镇。









    附录550-A1 4/19/2011:对SCP-550皮肤样本的分析显示粘膜细胞以及绒毛的存在,还有肌肤色素如黑色素。████博士建议授权进行无镇静剂核磁共振成像扫描。在事故SCP-550-T1之后扫描推迟。



      目前的日期/时间是周六 四月 27, 2024 6:02 am